Here’s How To Discard your Christmas Tree in Hampton Roads

The most wonderful time of the year is coming to an end, and so is the lifespan of our real Christmas Trees.  When it comes time to take it down, you can help fight beach erosion by recycling it!

Residents on the southside of Hampton Roads can drop off their trees at VBN National Golf Club at 2500 Tournament Drive on January 8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and get a coupon for a $7.99 large cheese pizza at Chico’s pizza in Virginia Beach!

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, you could also opt to repurpose your tree into wood chips. Since a Christmas tree is biodegradable; its branches may be removed, chipped, and used as mulch in the garden. Chop or grind smaller branches for wood chips to use in flower, tree, and shrub beds. Larger branches can be cut into smaller bundles for winter protective mulch around newly planted perennials and small shrubs. Be sure to remove the branches in spring when the plants begin to grow again.

Before you try to recycle more items leftover from Christmas, check out this quick guide to what can and cannot be recycled from the City of Chesapeake:

A large portion of wrapping papers are laminated, meaning they are coated with a thin layer of plastic which makes them non-recyclable. If your wrapping paper is glossy or glittery, chances are it’s non-recyclable, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Only 100% paper gift wrap is recyclable.

Every year, waste goes up 25% during the holiday season. Let’s keep this season green!

Get a city-by-city guide to disposing of your Christmas trees at your curb here.
